I like the color red. It is bold. It makes a statement and it shows off my dark hair.. But what does God convey through the color red? It certainly evokes a bloody image many times in Scripture. Red is seen on the lintels of doorways at Passover and in the Cup Jesus gave us at the Last Supper. But today I want to focus on the scarlet cord in the Book of Joshua.
Rahab is instructed to hang a scarlet cord in her window so the Israelites would pass over her house during the invasion of Canaan. Why do you think the color mattered? I think it represented blood and in essence a dying to self. Rahab needed to make a statement of faith and it needed to be bold. She had to hang a cord that no one would miss. She had to risk being “found out” as a believer.
Aren’t we called to the same? We as believers are called to make a statement with our lives and its supposed to be bold. We are not called to be beige. We are not meant to blend in with the world around us. We have been “passed over” by the scarlet cord of Jesus’ death on the Cross and His Resurrection. We are called to witness that to the world.
Find a way to express your faith in bold red today. Because frankly, my dear Scarlet, you should give a darn!
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