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Friday, May 6, 2011

Ask Ellen: What Are The Sacraments? How Many Are There? Fifth Grade Student, PA

The sacraments in their most basic sense are meetings or encounters with Christ.  We cannot encounter Christ and remain unchanged.  The sacraments give us grace, a “share in Jesus’  everliving and lifegiving” (CCC 1116) nature.

Jesus instituted the sacraments and entrusted them to the Church.  They show us who Christ is and allow us to share in communicating Him to the world.

The sacraments help us to live godly lives by infusing us with grace each time we receive them.  Some are received only once, others can be received daily.

There are seven sacraments.  Baptism and Confirmation are sacraments of faith that we receive once.  Baptism initiates you into the Church.  Confirmation makes you a full-fledged member.

There are two more that are only received once as well:  Holy Orders and Matrimony.  These are sacraments of vocation.  Holy Orders transforms a man into a priest.  Matrimony unites a couple as one.

There are three sacraments that can be received more than once.  Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing that is celebrated in times of illness.  Reconciliation can be celebrated anytime we are in need of God’s forgiveness, which for me could be on a daily basis.

The summit of all that we are and do as Catholics is the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  This is where we encounter Jesus in His bodily form.  We receive His actual Body and Blood.

The sacraments are beautiful gifts that Jesus gave to His Church.  We understand that Jesus is present in them and beckoning us to come.  How can we not?

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