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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3....

The number forty is significant in the Bible.  It symbolizes testing.  Certainly Lent is a time of testing in preparation for the Easter Triduum.

If we look into Scripture we see the number forty is used in times of testing.  Take Noah for example.  He was on the Ark with a complaining family and stinky animals for forty days and nights. (See Gen 7-8)
That would test my faith, how about yours?  Yet Noah remained steadfast in his belief that God would save him and his family.

We also see the number forty plays a significant role in the people’s time in the desert.  (See Numbers)  The people wandered for forty years in the desert.  That must have gotten old fast.  In fact they complained about God’s accommodations for them.  They got sick of the manna He provided during their time of testing.  Do you?  Sometimes in the midst of trials, I also complain to God about the way He is sustaining me through it.  Talk about selfish!

The people fall into deep sin (building idols) when Moses spends forty days on Mount Sinai.  (See Exodus 32)

I often fail in my times of testing when I feel God is taking too long to answer me.  I often take matters into my own hands and quit waiting for God just like the Israelites did with the Golden Calf.

So then what opportunity does Lent provide us?  It provides us the time to take our testing seriously and rise to the challenge.  It gives us hope that we will soon get off the stinky Ark that has been holding us captive.  It allows us the time to recognize God’s provision in the midst of our trials.  Don’t overlook the manna for the quails.  It allows us to learn to wait on God to deliver us from our trials.

I am often asked, “Why does God allow us to be tested?  He knows what we will do.”  God allows us to be tested to show US what we can do…what we can overcome.

I sincerely hope that you will take these last few days of this wonderful liturgical season of Lent to spend time with Jesus in the desert.  Think of your tests in light of the Ark, the manna and Mt. Sinai.  Learn from the lessons of our ancestors.  You will be surprised at what you are able to endure and overcome.

Stop by tomorrow to see how Jesus modeled the Lenten experience for us.

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