Many of us can really relate to poor Martha. What is too much of a good thing? Seems to be the key question concerning Martha. We meet her in Luke 10. She started off well..receiving Jesus into her home. (Certainly, better than refusing Him, right?) As any good hostess would do, she immediately began the preparations necessary for entertaining Jesus. She soon became frazzled with all there was to do. (After all, she couldn’t run to the Wawa for more olive oil. And there wasn’t time to squish the olives herself, which Martha would do). Can’t you just see her (I mean you) fussing to make sure everything was perfect?
Luke tells us that Martha did “much serving.” Obviously serving is a good thing! So why would he tell us “much serving?” The key might come in the next few verses. Martha was resentful that her sister, Mary, wasn’t helping her. Isn’t that what we do? Sign up for way too many things and then become annoyed that no one is helping us complete them. The sad answer is that we have no business taking them on in the first place. Service is a matter of the heart. Why am I agreeing to do these things? Recognition? Insecurity? Popularity?
If my motives are pure, I won’t grow resentful. If I am truly seeking the good for another person by offering my help, how can I resent that?
Hey, Martha, check your motives!
There IS good news for Martha. After her brother dies (John 12), she runs to meet Jesus. She tells Jesus that she knows if HE was there her brother wouldn’t have died. She confesses her faith, “Yes, Lord, I believe.” I hate to think that the only thing that slowed Martha down was her poor brother’s death! I don’t want it to take a tragedy for me to stop!
I want to make the conscious choice to stop “serving much” and start serving well!
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