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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ask Ellen: What is your favorite Christian song currently? Hope, ME

This is very difficult for me to answer. I love music and try to surround myself with it. I go through phases where I listen to one song over and over and then other times when I don’t listen to the song for months.

At this moment, I would say my favorite is “How Beautiful” by Twila Paris.

Cut and paste this link to hear the song:

The song came to my attention last year at a presentation at my daughter’s school. A family friend who is a Sister Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary came to school to do a presentation on vocations and in particular her order. She shared a video with this song in the background. The video was of Sisters taking care of fellow nuns who were old and infirm. The song showed how beautiful this was. They were taking care of their own. What made it more powerful for me is that these were the Sisters who educated me. I couldn’t help but think that some of those nuns that required care were Sisters who taught me. It comforted me to know that they were being cared for with such love and compassion.

That is what we are called to as the Body of Christ. We must be willing to pay the price. We need to have humble hearts that give.

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