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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pouring Your Heart Out

This week we move on to the First Book of Samuel.    Immediately we meet our girlfriend of the week, Hannah.

Let’s read 1 Sam 1:1-7 to set the scene.  Right away we see that there are two wives in this story and that usually means trouble.  In this case, the wife who had all the children constantly picked on Hannah.  This was probably because she knew her husband loved Hannah best.  This sounds like absolute torture to me.  To desperately want a child and to be constantly reminded of your lack by your husband’s other wife.  Sheer hell, in my opinion.

I love what her husband says in verse 8.  Typical man!

Let’s read what Hannah does next in verses 9-15.  Hannah is intently praying.  I love how she says she “is pouring out her troubles before the Lord.”  Oh, that we would do the same!

The scene changes in verses 16-18.  After she lays her troubles before the Lord, she gets up, bids the priest good day and has a meal.  Hannah fully believed that her prayer had been heard.  All too often we fail to trust that our prayers are heard and continue to carry our troubles around.  When Hannah says she “poured it out to God”, she meant it.  And she left it there and didn’t pick it up again.

Hannah’s issue is revealed to us in verses 19-23.  Her husband says, “may the Lord bring your resolve to fulfillment.”  Another word for resolves is dedication.  Hannah had dedicated herself and her son to God and she intended to follow through on it.

The Dictionary says that resolve (or dedication) is “firm or unwavering adherence to one’s purpose, decidedness, determined, firmness, purposefulness, resoluteness, stick-to-itiveness.”  Hannah is the picture of this.

In our fast paced, modern society we no longer value dedication.  We want things instantly or else we move on.  Hannah asks us to question this.  She followed through on what mattered.

Look at what she does in verses 24-28.  She gave her most precious gift back to God because she was dedicated to Him.  She knew that God answered her prayer and was firm in her resolve to keep her promise.

Biblical Scholar Alert- 1 Sam 2 is the Old Testament version of Mary’s Magnificat.  Mary quotes much of Hannah’s prayer here in her Fiat.

Also, a footnote, look at how God rewards Hannah’s dedication in 1 Sam 2:18-21.  The world may no longer value dedication, but God does.

This week examine what things you are dedicated to in your life.  Ask yourself the following questions:

Have I ever fully poured out my heart to the Lord and then walked away, trusting I was heard?

Am I aware of my purpose in life?

Am I purposeful as I go about my day?

Do I see things through?  Or am I always on to the next thing?

Am I dedicated to God?  What can I learn from Hannah’s example?

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