We have discussed Isaac and Rebekah and their issue of loyalty. We have also met their son Jacob and grappled with his issue of deceit. This week we meet Jacob’s first wife, Leah.
Leah’s problem is discovered early on in her story. Look at Genesis 29:18. Here we learn that Jacob is in love with Leah’s sister, Rachel.
What do we know of Leah? She is older than Rachel and she has “lovely eyes.” Some translations use “weak eyes.” This is not a very flattering picture of our pal, Leah.
We next learn (in verse 23) that her father, Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah. Can you imagine a greater rejection than having to trick someone into marrying you?
Hold on! The rejection gets worse! Jacob agrees to work for Laban for a longer time to get the woman he really wants, Rachel. Ouch!
Verse 30 tells us plainly, “he loved her more than Leah.”
Sit for a minute in Leah’s story..rejected. Every day for the rest of your life…in favor of your sister.
Verse 31 tells us that God saw she was unloved and made her fruitful. Leah gives Jacob the many he sons he desired. This tells us that God sees our rejection too. He longs to loves us even when no one seems to love us.
Leah’s issue is rejection.
The dictionary tells us that rejection is the "refusal to accept, consider or hear." It is when we are cast off. When we are rejected, we feel abandoned.
This week will focus on rejection in our lives…when we have experienced it, when we have done it and how we have reacted to it.
Ask yourself the following questions:
When have I been rejected? How did it make me feel?
When have I rejected someone? Why?
How do I respond to rejection?
Have I allowed rejection to define me?
What can I do the next time I feel rejected?
What can I learn from Leah?
Who will never reject me?
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