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Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Hard Message

Today we look at Sunday’s Gospel from my buddy, John.  It can be found in John 6:51-58.  Take some time to read it now.  I will wait for you.

I like yesterday's passage and today's read together because it clearly paints the picture of Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament.  He was the fulfillment of what the manna we read about yesterday pointed to.  We must remember that Jesus is speaking to a Jewish audience who knew their Scriptures.  They were very familiar with yesterday’s story about manna in the desert.  Everything that Jesus says and does here is to show them that he is the answer they have been waiting for.

However, His message isn’t an easy one to hear.  He uses the word flesh six times in this short passage.  He does not say symbol.  He uses the word for flesh.  This was offensive to most people who heard it.  It is believed that many followers walked away because of this very message.  Drinking blood would make a devout Jew swoon, yet Jesus tells them to drink His Blood. What strikes me is that Jesus didn’t run after them saying, “Wait, that word was too harsh,  I didn’t mean it literally.  Its symbolic.”  No, He didn’t.  He delivered a tough message and allowed them to walk away.

As Catholics, we believe in this flesh concept.  This passage is the reason that we believe the Eucharist isn’t just a symbol.  It is actually the Body of Christ.  This is what we celebrate on Sunday.  Why should we celebrate it?  Read on in the passage.

Jesus actually recalls yesterday’s reading and tells the people that when their ancestors ate manna they still died.  But when we eat His Body and drink His Blood we are given eternal life.  That, my friends, is a reason to celebrate.

I ask you to celebrate the gift you’ve been given this Sunday.  You have the opportunity to receive Manna, the Bread from Heaven.  You are able to do what Jesus commands when He said “eat my flesh and drink my blood.”  Eternal life is made available to you each time you receive the Eucharist.  I will celebrate with you, rejoicing in the fact that you haven’t walked away from a hard message, but have stayed to receive Jesus.

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