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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Me? Quiet and Gentle?

We have discussed the obsession we have with our appearances.  We have learned that God doesn’t approve of this.  But what does God consider beautiful?  Look for the answer in Scripture:

“Let not yours be the outward adorning with braiding of hair, decoration of gold, and wearing of robes, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s site is very precious.” 1 Peter 3:4

You can view the passage online here:

We have all seen her..dressed to the nines…not a hair out of place..brand new Jimmy Choo shoes…oh she has outward adornment going on and people notice.  But is it beautiful?  God tells us no.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I don’t intend to part with my fake nails, high-end haircuts and certainly not my spanx….but there’s got to be something more!

I don’t think that God is asking us to be frumpy.  But I do know, to Him, it is a matter of heart.  I believe He says, “Sweetheart, dress it up as much as you want but don’t you for one minute think that you are fooling Me.  I know what is on the inside.”

What does he want the inside to look like?  A quiet and gentle spirit..ouch!  I have a really hard time with quiet and don’t do gentle particularly well either.

What does quiet mean?  Mirriam-Webster tells us “free from harshness, soft, delicate.

Gentle?  Tranquil, calm, peace, restful

What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to cuddle up next to that?  Can’t you just feel your countenance soften as you read those words?  Don’t you want those qualities in your life?  Then do it God’s way.

God isn’t asking us to be doormats or frumps!  He is asking us to harness our power for something softer, something that touches people.  Something that makes their lives better simply because they know you!

Begin to harness your power to bring yourself peace, to make you something God can mold.

How would life change for you (even if only for today) if you stopped obsessing about what is on the outside and found your quiet and gentle spirit.

Do it today.  You’ll never look more beautiful!

Tomorrow we will see how Saul’s life was ruined because he was overly concerned with appearances.

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