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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Stands In Your Way?

We have concluded our quick trip through the Book of Genesis.  Let’s review the people we met and the issue we addressed: Eve/doubt, Noah/moderation, Abraham/faith, Sarah/humor, Isaac and Rebekah/loyalty, Jacob/deceit, Leah/rejection, Rachel/perfection and Joseph/promotion.

This week we move on to the Book of Exodus and we meet Moses.  Most of us know the Moses that Charlton Heston brought to life.  This week we will look at another side of Moses.

In Exodus 3 we learned that God called Moses through a burning bush.  God tells Moses he is to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt.  In chapter 4 God confirms Moses’ mission by changing his staff into a serpent.

I want to focus on Exodus 4.  Moses is worried because he has a speech problem.  That is Moses’ issue, his impediment.

The dictionary describes impediments as “something that interferes or slows the progression of; drags, embarrass, hinder, hold back, an obstacle, stumbling block.”

Moses’ stumbling block was his speech.  Let’s look at how God responds.  Look at Exodus 4:11.  God makes it clear that He knows Moses’ impediments.  In verse 12, God assures Moses that He will help him.

Moses continues to argue.  God relents and agrees to send Moses’ brother, Aaron as his spokesman.  Moses goes on to be an effective leader and delivers the people from slavery in Egypt.  Moses overcame his impediment.

We are called to do the same.  We must recognize that God knows our obstacles even better than we do.  He asks us to trust Him and allow Him to use us anyway.  When we do, we are effective.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What things do I allow to interfere with my life?

What is dragging me down?

What parts of myself am I embarrassed by?

Do I obsess on my shortcomings?

How can I use this season of Lent to offer my obstacles up to God?

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