Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home page to see the newest webstrip.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
On The Eleventh Day Of Gracie
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home screen to see day 10 of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see the newest one and all of the others, visit
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Do you think Gracie did her homework? Why or Why not?
What does it mean when you say, “it was my fault”?
Why is it so difficult to change something you have being
doing for a long time?
What did you notice about the responses in Mass
recently? What is your
favorite? What is the most difficult
to remember?
Do you think Gracie’s teacher is nice? Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
On The Tenth Day Of Gracie
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the page to see Day 10 of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see this week's new strip and all of the others, visit
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Are Gracie and Anthony being kind to each other? Why should they be nice to each other?
In what ways did God make you unique?
Why do you think, in that moment, Mr. Brennan is looking
forward to Gracie and Anthony going to college?
What are you most looking forward to when you live on your
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
On the Ninth Day of Gracie
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home screen to see Day Nine of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see the new one from yesterday and all of the others, visit
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
What does Gracie want to do? Do you think that is what the teacher meant?
Why does she think doing her way will get her into trouble?
What would you do?
What does she mean when she says, “sometimes its hard taking
the easy way out”? Do you agree or
What things would you like to take the easy way out of? Why?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
On The Eighth Day Of Gracie
Click on the Gracileand icon on the bottom right of the home page to see today's brand new Christmas webstrip. It is not too late to join in the 12 Gracies of Christmas. Simply share the strips on your Facebook page and you will receive a signed and numbered print. You need to share all 12!
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Why is Gracie disappointed?
Tell me about a time when you were disappointed.
Do you think teachers sometimes play favorites?
Who would you most want to be in the Christmas pageant?
Monday, December 19, 2011
On The Seventh Day of Gracie
Click on the Gracieland icon at the bottom right of the home page to see Day 7 of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see the newest and all of the others visit:
Check back here tomorrow to see a brand new Christmas Gracieland webstrip.
Tell me about a time when you were embarrassed.
Check back here tomorrow to see a brand new Christmas Gracieland webstrip.
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
What is Gracie’s problem?
What word is hard for you to say or to remember?
Do you get nervous before you speak to a crowd?
Why is the Brennan family embarrassed?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
On The Sixth Day Of Gracie....
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home page to see the 6th of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see the newest one and all of the others, visit:
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Explain that Gracie created a new word, “peeplings.”
Ask your child:
Who are your peeps (friends)? Why do you like them?
To whom are you peeplings? (meaning who are mom and dad’s
friends) Why do you think we like
Can you invent your own word like Gracie? What would you like your new word to be
What does Anthony mean, we he says, “we are all God’s peeps”?
What could our family do this week to show we are God’s
Saturday, December 17, 2011
On The Fifth Day of Gracie....
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home page to see the fifth of the 12 Gracies of Christmas. To see the newest strip and all the others, visit:
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Who is your patron saint? What do you know about him/her?
Explain that everyone can have a saint/s that they look up
to and that help them understand Christ.
Explain that saints can be the “go between” for us and Jesus. They can ask Him to help us.
How can saints be helpful to us?
What saint would you like to learn more about?
What can you say next time you lose something?
Friday, December 16, 2011
On The Fourth Day of Gracie....
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the home page to see today's 12 Gracies of Christmas webstrip. To see the newest Gracieland from this week and all of the others go to:
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your family. Share the webstrip with your kids, grab
a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Do you know what a Spiritual Work of Mercy is?
Explain that is takes many forms including: teaching others
about God, giving advice, correcting people who are confused about God,
forgiving others, comforting those that are hurting and praying for people.
How is Gracie’s mom trying to help others?
What can you do to help someone? What can we do as a family?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
On The Third Day of Gracie...
Welcome to our 3rd of 12 Gracies of Christmas. Click on the Gracieland icon at the bottom right of the page to see today's strip. To view all of the strips, including this week's new one, go to:
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Why do you think your school is special?
What makes Catholic schools special?
Is it really fundraising? Or are Gracie and Anthony being silly?
What would be a fun thing that you would like to sell?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
On The Second Day Of Gracie...
Click on the Gracieland icon at the bottom right of the page to reveal the 2nd day of Gracie webstrip. You can see this week's new one, True Colors, and all of the others at:
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and
Gracieland together. Each week we
will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your
family. Share the webstrip with
your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
Ask your child:
Why do you think Gracie is excited to go to Mass?
Should we be excited for Mass? Why?
Explain to your kids that at Mass, in that special time,
Jesus is very present here on earth with them.
What class would you most like to have shortened? Why?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
True Colors
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right of the page to see this week's strip.
The 12 Gracies of Christmas starts today! Share this strip and every strip for the next 12 days on your facebook wall, and you will receive a signed and numbered Gracieland print! Please share directly from the "A Gift of Grace" facebook page.
o read all the strips to date, Check out http://
This week we also introduce "Tuesday Table Talk With Gracieland."
We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and Gracieland together. Each week we will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your family. Share the webstrip with your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.
You may need to refer back to last week’s webstrip, “It Has A Good Beat And You Can Dance To It.” Ask your child:
Why do you think not everyone appreciated Gracie’s song?
Do you think Gracie was being disrespectful? Or expressing the joy of her faith?
Do you sometimes feel that adults seem to squash the fun? Give an example of a time that this happened to you.
How would you feel if you were Gracie?
Lesson- Explain to your children that the purple candles in the Advent wreath represent penance and have a serious feel. The pink one (which we lit on Sunday at Mass) represents joy because we are getting close to Christmas.
What do you think Gracie means by saying “I’m a pink candle girl in a purple candle world?”
Are you more of a purple candle (serious) or a pink candle (joyful) kid? Why do you think that?
What can we do as a family this week to show our joy that Christmas is coming soon?
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Twelve Gracies of Christmas
Click on the Gracenotes link above to hear this week's podcast. Learn about a great way for you to get involved with Gracieland and receive a signed and numbered print.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Advent is a liturgical season of hope. Think about something you are hoping for in your own life. The dictionary tells us that hope means we “desire with anticipation.” Hope means it can be fun to wait. We can plan and prepare for the time when our hopes are realized. Kids show us this during this time of year. They anticipate that Santa will come. They go to bed having left cookies and milk prepared for his visit.
If I found out someone I hadn’t seen in a long time was coming to visit, I’d clean the house, prepare a special meal, and wait for the doorbell to ring. Simply because my friend said he or she was coming. I would anticipate it.
Advent is about anticipation.
How would you feel if you really believed you were going to get this thing you are hoping for? You’d rejoice if you believed it was going to happen. Why do you think small children are happy this time of year? They believe their hopes will come true.
Advent is about rejoicing.
The key to hope for me is the realization that to truly hope means you “expect to obtain” what you hope for. Many of us say we are hoping for this or that but never realistically expect it to come true. For hope to be authentic you have to believe you will get it. Otherwise, it is just wishful thinking. I might wish to win the Lotto, but I don’t even play the game so I don’t hope to win. Hope takes a stand on your part. You have to be willing to say, “I’m banking on it. I know this will happen.”
Advent is about expecting.
Think back to the thing you said you hoped for moments ago. Now look at it in this advent context.
Do you anticipate it? Plan for it? Prepare?
Do you rejoice at the thought of it coming true?
Do you fully expect to get it? Are you willing to bank on it?
What does this all have to do with faith? Advent gives us the time and space to hope in Christ. It gives us time to anticipate His working in our lives. We can prepare and make plans. It allows us to be happy about it. We can say, “God works in my life and it makes me joyful.” It allows us to bank on Him. We can say with confidence, “Christ is in the world and in my life.”
If you are frazzled, stressed, running, baking, wrapping etc. I dare say, you have lost your hope. A hopeful person doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Take the season to rejoice, be with the ones you love and look forward with hope to the days ahead.
Please enjoy this short but poignant video describing more about this holy season.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ask Ellen…And The Winner Is…
Thursdays are Ask Ellen days on AGOG. I want to thank all of you who have
submitted your questions to me. I
also want to encourage you to keep sending them. If you have submitted questions, you know how easy it
is. If you haven’t, allow me to
explain the process to you. Click
on the Ask Ellen tab on the left side of the home page. That will take you to the most recent
question. On the top of the page,
written in blue, is the Submit A Question tab. Click on it and simply fill out the form. The question will come directly to me
and I will do my best to answer it.
I have a few that I received in the last few months. But I will need many more in order to
explain the things you want to understand. It is my favorite feature of the site because it allows me
to know what you want to know. So
please keep them coming.
But this month on AGOG is about you, our loyal readers. I cannot thank you enough for your
encouragement and support. But I
can offer a token of my appreciation to one lucky reader. Anyone who submitted an Ask Ellen
question this year was entered into a raffle to win AGOG merchandise. Today, I am so pleased to announce the
Kim Fetter in Pennsylvania has won a super sassy A Gift Of Grace
Coffee Mug. Kim, please send me
your address and your mug should be under your tree by Christmas.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Are You Afraid Of Change?
Many of us have just experienced our second weekend Mass with the changes to the English translation. Last week is was new and interesting. But this week many people seem just plain frustrated. The changes to the Mass have caused me to think about what change means to us.
The dictionary tells us that change is “the act or process of making things different.” The opposite of change is “fixation and stability.” We crave stability because it makes us feel safe. But something that is stable is not improving. It is simply holding its own. It lacks personal growth.
Change is hard and it can be scary. When we stop changing, we stop growing.
The dictionary also tells us that change can also be a “metamorphosis.” This means a change brought about by supernatural means. This is what happens during the Mass. I think we should spend more time discussing this change that happens in the Mass and less time obsessing about the changes to the words we say. The Mass offers us the opportunity to really change and grow and gives us the superpower to do it….grace! That’s the change I’m talking about!
So why did they mess with the words? The video below shows the process of how it happened. I’d like to focus on two reasons why I agree with it.
The first is the universality of the new wording. We all say the same things as Catholics everywhere else. It allows us to unite more fully with our Catholic family. This became apparent to me through the appeal of Gracieland. Jimmy and I make the strip based on things we (or our kids) experience as Catholics. The cool thing is that any Catholic who reads it gets it one some level, even if they haven’t been to church is years. They get it because of the universality of being Catholic. If I walk into a Baptist Church here in Maine and you walk into your local one, we would see two very different things. But if I go to Mass in your town or anywhere else on earth, we would be experiencing and saying the same things. The new words help us connect more fully with others.
The new words also convey a higher level of holiness. The elevated language is meant to reflect this holiness. At first I thought, “Oh great! The Church goes out of its way to become less relevant to the people in the pews.” Then I thought about it. Mass IS a holy experience, one I will never fully understand. Nor should I. It SHOULD be above me because it is the point where heaven meets earth. I think the language should reflect that. We can spend life grappling with truths, studying Greek and memorizing Scripture. And I intend to do just that. But for one hour each weekend, I will be reminded that I will never have all the answers and understand it all. I’m OK with that. I am hopeful that one day it will all be revealed to me in heaven.
Until then I intend to embrace the changes to remind ME to grow. I don’t want to stabilize. I want to grow. I want to welcome change. It keeps things fresh and exciting. Won’t you change with me?
Check out this great video below for more information on how the changes to the Mass came about.
Many of us have just experienced our second weekend Mass with the changes to the English translation. Last week is was new and interesting. But this week many people seem just plain frustrated. The changes to the Mass have caused me to think about what change means to us.
The dictionary tells us that change is “the act or process of making things different.” The opposite of change is “fixation and stability.” We crave stability because it makes us feel safe. But something that is stable is not improving. It is simply holding its own. It lacks personal growth.
Change is hard and it can be scary. When we stop changing, we stop growing.
The dictionary also tells us that change can also be a “metamorphosis.” This means a change brought about by supernatural means. This is what happens during the Mass. I think we should spend more time discussing this change that happens in the Mass and less time obsessing about the changes to the words we say. The Mass offers us the opportunity to really change and grow and gives us the superpower to do it….grace! That’s the change I’m talking about!
So why did they mess with the words? The video below shows the process of how it happened. I’d like to focus on two reasons why I agree with it.
The first is the universality of the new wording. We all say the same things as Catholics everywhere else. It allows us to unite more fully with our Catholic family. This became apparent to me through the appeal of Gracieland. Jimmy and I make the strip based on things we (or our kids) experience as Catholics. The cool thing is that any Catholic who reads it gets it one some level, even if they haven’t been to church is years. They get it because of the universality of being Catholic. If I walk into a Baptist Church here in Maine and you walk into your local one, we would see two very different things. But if I go to Mass in your town or anywhere else on earth, we would be experiencing and saying the same things. The new words help us connect more fully with others.
The new words also convey a higher level of holiness. The elevated language is meant to reflect this holiness. At first I thought, “Oh great! The Church goes out of its way to become less relevant to the people in the pews.” Then I thought about it. Mass IS a holy experience, one I will never fully understand. Nor should I. It SHOULD be above me because it is the point where heaven meets earth. I think the language should reflect that. We can spend life grappling with truths, studying Greek and memorizing Scripture. And I intend to do just that. But for one hour each weekend, I will be reminded that I will never have all the answers and understand it all. I’m OK with that. I am hopeful that one day it will all be revealed to me in heaven.
Until then I intend to embrace the changes to remind ME to grow. I don’t want to stabilize. I want to grow. I want to welcome change. It keeps things fresh and exciting. Won’t you change with me?
Check out this great video below for more information on how the changes to the Mass came about.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
It's Got A Good Beat, And You Can Dance to It
Click on the Gracieland icon on the bottom right go the page to view this week's webstrip.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ask Ellen: I Need Your Help!
Time for more questions! I need a new stockpile for 2012. What have you always wanted to know about Christianity? Or Catholicism? Or Gracieland? Or AGOG?
No question is too silly. Remember when I answered who I liked better: Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John or John, Paul , George or Ringo? Just send them in.
You may see your answered in 2012 on Ask Ellen.
You can submit a question through the AGOG site. Simply click on the Ask Ellen tab. At the top of that page, click the
“Submit Your Question” tab. It is
that easy.
I will be drawing a winner from all the questions submitted
and answered in 2011 in December.
One lucky person will win some lovely AGOG merchandise.
Submit yours today.
You know you want to know….
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